Finding Your Fit

Finding Your Fit is an online program that teaches you how to improve your body image AND cultivate a personal style that celebrates your body as is. Start practicing body respect with the help of a Registered Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor & a Fashion Stylist.

Welcome to Finding Your Fit

Body Confidence and Great Style at Any Size

Finding Your Fit is an online program that teaches you how to improve your body image AND cultivate a personal style that celebrates your body as is.

How many times have you put on an outfit that didn’t quite fit, and then go the whole day feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious?

Maybe you have a closet full of clothes that don’t fit well, and you are hoping that one day, your body will magically shrink to fit them.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to change your body, with the hope that once it fits that one shirt, dress, pair of jeans, etc… your body image will suddenly improve, you are not alone.

What if you could let go of this belief, and start embracing and respecting your body, as it is, here and now?

That’s why we’ve designed Finding Your Fit - to help you cultivate a better body image and develop your personal style. Our online self-study program will help you nurture respect for your body as-is while also equipping you with the tools you need to build a wardrobe that screams ‘you’.

What's Different about Finding Your Fit?


Countless courses exist on body image, body acceptance, and Health at Every Size. There are also tons of courses on how to develop your personal style. But, to our knowledge, this is one of the few that combine the two concepts, to bring you a course that will give you the tools you need to build body respect AND cultivate great style at any size. Our unique approach is grounded in the Health at Every Size framework and combines Jennifer’s nutrition and Intuitive Eating expertise with Rebecca’s rich knowledge of fashion. It merges weight science and body acceptance with practical tips to help you choose clothes that fit you - and not the other way around. 


This program is for you if...


  • You're frustrated with your body image and feel like you're constantly at war with your body
  • You hate showing up in photos or videos and avoid looking in the mirror
  • You're wearing clothes that don't fit properly
  • You have a closet full of clothes that don't fit but you're scared that sizing up feels like a failure
  • You worry about getting rid of old clothes because you hope that one day you'll fit into them again
  • Maybe you've never fit into your clothes properly but you've always felt like you "need to make it work" when it comes to your wardrobe because you don't know what your options are


    What You'll Gain from Finding Your Fit


    • A deeper understanding of weight science and body image
    • How to cultivate body respect for your body as-it-is, right now
    • Tools to develop a wardrobe that lets your personal style shine through 
    • The ability to easily build outfits that feel comfortable, look great, and support you on your journey to a better body image 

    Meet Your Facilitators

    Jennifer Neale, MSc. RD

    Jennifer is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, the founder of Nutrition IQ, as well as a mom of two. Jennifer uses her expertise as a non-diet, weight-inclusive Dietitian to help clients achieve their health goals at any body shape and size. She has a strong belief that overall health and wellness is so much more than weight and body size and she is very passionate about helping other women find food freedom and feel comfortable in their current bodies.

    Rebecca Rowe

    Rebecca is a classically trained fashion designer, having studied at the Pratt Institute and ESMOD Paris. She helps clients establish their visual identity through workshops, individual coaching, and soon-to-be-released books. She also designs clothing for folks of all shapes and sizes that are designed to move with your body, instead of working against it. She is passionate about helping clients cultivate a healthy body image and self-esteem through fashion.

     What's the Format?


    Finding Your Fit is a 4-module, online, self-study course. It combines informative videos with handy worksheets to encourage self-reflection and to help you translate your newfound knowledge into action. This program will also give you access to a private community, connecting you with others going through the same things you are. Ask questions, share trials and triumphs, and get support through the private chat feature. The program and chat forum are hosted on Practice Better, a secure platform, to keep your personal data private. Our self-study format means you are in control - go through the modules at your own pace, and come back to them as many times as you want.


    The topics covered in this course include: 

    Weight Science and Grieving the Thin Ideal:

    An exploration of dieting, diet culture, and why most long-term weight loss is unsustainable. This module also explores grief and why grieving the body you thought you were supposed to have is the first step to accepting the body you do have.

    Cultivating Body Respect:

    Exploring the difference between body positivity and body respect. What is body respect, and how can we practice it in our day-to-day lives?

    Creating Your Style Identity:

    Let us help you define your style identity. What do you want your clothes to say about you? What do you need your clothes to do for you?

    Finding Your Fit:

    Putting it all together.  Find pieces that fit, start shopping and start experimenting to craft a style that is uniquely yours. 

    The Investment

    Join the Finding Your Fit community for $197 + HST.

    This price includes: 

    • 4 online learning modules with videos to foster learning
    • Worksheets, assignments and supplemental readings to deepen your knowledge, and arm you with the tools to put it  into practice
    • Access to a private chat forum to ask questions and connect with others
    • Access to a secure app, so you can learn anytime, anywhere

    The Bottom Line


    Wearing clothes that don’t fit our bodies makes us feel more self-conscious. Constant tugging, pinching and readjusting can make us feel like we need to change our bodies to make them ‘fit’ in our clothes. But the truth is, your clothes should fit your body - and not the other way around. Why continue feeling this way? It’s time to wear clothes that nurture a healthier body image and let your personal style shine through.

    You will walk away from this course feeling confident, with a wardrobe that reflects who you are. Putting together outfits that feel good and showcase your visual identity will be easy. Getting dressed will be fun - not stressful. And most of all, your clothes will allow you to have a greater respect for your body as it is, right now.


    If you have any questions about whether Finding Your Fit is right for you or if you need more information, feel free to reach out to